Tag Archive | Monday’s Minions

Reflection on a whole year of blogging


WordPress Happy Anniversary Badge

It has now been a whole year since I began blogging.  In fact just over a year. Where has that year gone?  Time certainly flies as you get older! Continue reading

Monday’s Minions – My Someone!


I am lucky that I found this “someone” 19 years ago, I never thought it would happen and I have been totally blessed with my life and my marriage.  Yes, we have had our ups and downs, our good times and bad times, our arguments, we wouldn’t be normal if we didn’t, however we always come out the other side stronger as individuals and stronger in our marriage.  My “someone” has stood by me, held my hand, and has whispered in my ear when I have been sad or lacked confidence or just needed that little nudge in the right direction; or even just to show and tell me he loves me.  My “someone” is my rock, my anchor, and my World.  I could not imagine life without him, in fact even thinking about it scares the hell out of me.

Where he is my “someone”, I am his and I love him so dearly!

Monday’s Minions – Spring is round the corner!

Spring seems a long time coming this year however I think it is well under way.

The birds are definitely more vocal in the mornings when I leave for work and it is such a pleasure to hear them.  I can’t wait until the thrush comes back to sing in the hawthorn tree.  He sings some beautiful songs.  Continue reading